“A prophecy says that if Elizabeth falls then the city falls with her. So they want her dead.”
"Your homes are ours! Your live's are ours! Your wives our ours! It all belongs to the Vox!" screams a lunatic, as posh gents are shoved down steps in exchange for their monocles, billboards are ignited and dead postmen - considered the tools of the oppressors - are stacked in piles. Throughout it all, however, you don't have to fire your gun. An edgy tension reigns throughout, with you only having to warily aim your pistol at snarky looters to ward them off.
Full-scale conflict only arises should you intervene, which in Levine's demonstration case comes when he interrupts the execution of the final mailman. Had he been content to watch him die it's impossible to say how much longer the tension might have brewed...

Levine, for now, refuses to be drawn on Elizabeth's origins - just as he is on the presumably shared backstory of the Plasmid-esque Vigors that (to take a gulp of Bucking Bronco as an example) can hurl enemies, pots and pans alike up into the air for a nice slo-mo hover takedown. What's clear, however, is exactly why the Founders and Vox Populi are willing to go to war over this particular pretty lady: hers is the face that tore open a thousand space-time rifts.
Infinite toys with the scientific thought of the early nineteenth century just as much as it pushes its politics to the edge of insanity. Levine waxes lyrical about the minds of people like Heisenberg, who peeled back the origins of physics during this period (for our part, we nodded and smiled fairly uncomprehendingly at this point), but ultimately it's all wrapped up in Elizabeth's trick of accessing other dimensions, times and worlds.
In the current game demonstration she'll notice a tear behind a dying horse and try to save it, for example, only to unwittingly open up a doorway to a street outside a neon-clad cinema in alterno-1983. The dame's got talent, there's no denying it.

“I've had the experience of knowing a girl once, dating her once actually, who had been with somebody who had abused her before.”Vox Populi want Elizabeth dead, then, but the Founders - the Americana-fuelled imperialists that built this steam-powered Cloud City - want her back. The creature that misses her the most, however, is the Songbird. He's a giganto-budgie with attitude - his searchlight eyes reminiscent of the Big Daddy whenever a red lens clanks down inside his head to show he's in a temper. And boy, does the Songbird have a temper on him.
He's been built to nurture and protect Elizabeth, yet also to keep her captive. Now Booker has taken her away from him he'll rip off rooftops and throw you around like a doll to get both his revenge and his loved one back. For her part, in a moment of animated brilliance, Elizabeth shows that she would rather die than return to her tower - by delicately wrapping Booker's hands around her throat.

"That's not Elizabeth - Elizabeth is trying to get free - but she definitely has a connection," Levine continues. "This is the thing that raised her: this was the only contact she had. He brought her food, and her clothes and her books. He played with her when she was a kid. So she's conflicted. And I think conflicted characters are way more interesting than characters who act with a certainty."
via cvg
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